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Messages From Brigid

After a trip to Glastonbury last year, I was guided to make 2020 the Year of The Goddess so the first Saturday of every month is...

Yoga & Me

Introduction The millennium was a year of great upheaval and change for me. I was experiencing increasing despair in all aspects of...

Stories Of My Life Part 1

More and more I get asked about my past, and my experiences - at least three people now. So I thought I'd share the first couple of...

Christmas Eve Reflections

I love Christmas. I never used to. It used to feel like the season of obligation, where we all went through the motions to try and meet...


The date of the Easter celebration is chosen to align with the first full moon following Spring Equinox. This year, 2018, it falls on...

Why We Need A Food Revolution

Our lives, at the very heart of it all, are very simple. We need food and water to live. And in the living of our lives we seek peace,...

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